E?_ENDSTOP, Laser and rotary filament sensors, motor enable ?
I'm not familiar with RRF3 yet, but can give you some answers.
- Yes, the E0 and E1 endstops are for 'crude' switches. See https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Connecting_endstop_switches for details.
- See this thread regarding the Prusa Laser filament sensor: https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/6275/prusa-laser-filament-sensor
- While rotary encoders aren't supported (I think it's being worked on, for closed loop control of steppers, but may be some way off) Duet3D produce a magnetic rotary filament sensor https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Duet3dFilamentMonitor_RotatingMagnetVersion which connects to the E# endstops, and there's also a whole subforum devoted to it: https://forum.duet3d.com/category/17/filament-monitor. Other Duet users have hacked their own, eg https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/5081/99p-filament-monitor and https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/7560/99p-filament-monitor-again
- As far as I'm aware the enable pin is not exposed, but check wiring diagram here https://d17kynu4zpq5hy.cloudfront.net/igi/duet3d/vqBUAZPsxMC5tRgt.huge. Details and specification for the Trinamic TMC2660 drivers is here https://www.trinamic.com/products/integrated-circuits/details/tmc2660-pa/
Thanks a million! I started with 3.0b10 as I'm 10000% new to duet and this printer conversion is not too important if it's going to work in 2 days or 2 weeks or 2 months so idea is - better start with the latest version
no matter if it's unstable.
I am running octoprint plugin with a switch on my non-smoothie printers and that works ok but I love the encoder thing that I have on smoothie. I had no clue prusa sensor is i2c, that's a weird decision taking into account how noisy environment this is supposed to be working in ?!?!!
This magnetic rotary sensor works 100% identical to my rotary encoder (I use only A pin from the ABI output of rotary encoder) and the rest of the monitoring seems to work exactly / similarly as with smoothieware so ideal
thanks for the info
I'll go trough that forum section now.
I found on schematic that ?_step, ?_dir and ?_en are exposed to test points TP1-TP5, this is awesome I can connect each motor to it's own enable
just need to make small daugterpcb to go on to these test points
@smece said in E?_ENDSTOP, Laser and rotary filament sensors, motor enable ?:
I found on schematic that ?_step, ?_dir and ?_en are exposed to test points TP1-TP5, this is awesome I can connect each motor to it's own enable just need to make small daugterpcb to go on to these test points
Ah! Test points. I forgot about those. The Duet WiFi I have is a prototype/beta version (white PCB) and doesn't have test points. Glad the current version can satisfy your requirements!
Yes, test points are perfect :). I originally, on the shared images seen "do not touch these" so ignored them and since they are 3 per driver (and not at least 4) I assumed they are probbly for current measurement or something TMC related; but schematic shows it's exactly what I need. I just pushed question here before looking at schematic.
There is a M591 option to configure a pulsed filament monitor, which should work with your monitors based on rotary encoders.
Do not connect to those test points. The "enable" signals on them are actually SPI chip select signals. Additional driver modules should be connected to the expansion connector.
@dc42 said in E?_ENDSTOP, Laser and rotary filament sensors, motor enable ?:
There is a M591 option to configure a pulsed filament monitor, which should work with your monitors based on rotary encoders.
found it, thanks, will be testing it shortly
but looks like all the cool options are supported so /me happy
Do not connect to those test points. The "enable" signals on them are actually SPI chip select signals.
Yes, I noticed doing a further review, the ENABLE signal I need is the ENN net found on expansion port pin 28, so even easier to access
I do have other unrelated question, if you know, why is IPD036N04L driven with 3v3 directly without any driver. For 5V system the driver would really not be needed but driven with 3v3 Rds is 8mR (compared to 3.5mR for 5V) ... it will of course work but even expensive isolated tlp250 is $1 in small quantities, I doubt it would affect price of the board in any way?
@smece said in E?_ENDSTOP, Laser and rotary filament sensors, motor enable ?:
I do have other unrelated question, if you know, why is IPD036N04L driven with 3v3 directly without any driver. For 5V system the driver would really not be needed but driven with 3v3 Rds is 8mR (compared to 3.5mR for 5V) ... it will of course work but even expensive isolated tlp250 is $1 in small quantities, I doubt it would affect price of the board in any way?
Check the schematic again. There is a 74HCT02 to level shift the signals from 3.3V to 5V before they reach the heater mosfets.
@dc42 said in E?_ENDSTOP, Laser and rotary filament sensors, motor enable ?:
Check the schematic again.
it's on the same page, how the hack did I miss this .. it even has the explanation why it's oring inputs with 3v3 input
many thanks!
btw, thanks big time for all the leds on the board, especially the endstop ones!!!! saved me probably hours of debugging yesterday
@smece said in E?_ENDSTOP, Laser and rotary filament sensors, motor enable ?:
btw, thanks big time for all the leds on the board, especially the endstop ones!!!! saved me probably hours of debugging yesterday
That's the first positive comment I've ever seen about endstop LEDs! We've left them off later boards (Duet Maestro and Duet 3), because (a) users get confused that when using the recommended NC endstop switches, they are on when the endstop is not triggered and off when it is, and (b) the additional sink current required by the LEDs is problematic for some optical and Hall endstop switches.
I'm using mechanical switches on this conversion (ender5) and had a weird bug, connector was purely crimped so was losing connection ... jiggle wires a bit and you see led flashing - doing that trough g-code, checking if it's triggered or not with flaky connection don't work
leds are cool
... I do like the PLC way (you have separate IO for the led so cpu writes to led what it reads from switch) but this just saved me min 1h of debugging
as for the "problem for some sensors" ... I'd say it's a problem with those sensors
and this board is cold!!! the hottest point on the board is the ETH driver
... have not used this drivers before they don't go over 40C no matter what I do to them
.. seems like no active cooling is required at all