macros in sys and in macros ?
if I put in config.g
M98 P"startup.g"
it's not executed if startup.g is in /macros but only if it's in /sys
If I just in console shoot M98 P"startup.g" again same thing it looks for it in sys .. but if I put xx.g in /macros it's shown on the paneldue and click on it executes it but how do I call it from code ? -
specify full path
M98 P"/macros/xx.h"
obvious when you write it like that thanks, lemme go hide now
no worries, it got me as well, especially triggers vs macros and where they are stored, its a bit non-intuitive imho.
The /macros folder is for macros that you want to appear in DWC and on PanelDue. Any other macros, including macros that RRF runs automatically, should be in /sys. The default path for M98 is /sys.
I've always been in the habit of using the full absolute path for all macro calls including the SD card drive letter. That also helps me keep track of where that macro is living if I need to look it up later.