Microstepping advice
Hi, this I am sure has been asked but I can't find a clear explanation.
I run a Cartesian with 0.9 deg motors on x and y and 1.8 on z and e
What is the is ideal microstepping settings to start with?
Should note that I mostly interested in fine detail on small objects. Rather than printing at speed, but saying that the best options for both would be good.
I haven't heard a cogent argument for not using the default 1/16th interpolated to 1/256th . Really good combination of quiet, accurate and fast if required. If the controller could handle true 1/256th at more than a very slow pace that might be better but I'm not too convinced you could see the difference in your prints.
I've been using 64 of late, but have been thinking I'll go back to the 1/16th with interpolation as well… probably for everything but my extruder. Extruded lines do seem smoother with 1/64th microstepping. (standard 200 steps/rev non-geared stepper)
I'm running 1/128th on my Cartesian now without delays in the stepper queue showing up at up to 150 mm/s. 1/64th is a good choice overall. 1/32nd gets kind of noisy. In the end run whatever you want, personally I want better then 1/16th resolution even if that only translates into 1/18th due to limitations in the mechanics/motors, etc. I don't at all believe those who say you can't get better than say 1/8th. I don't believe it at all. I can just , just barely tell the different going from 1/16th to 1/32nd. It's subtle but it exists in my case on my printer with my room temperatures and humidity etc..etc. I think you get the idea.
Great answers thanks, is there a difference between say 32 and 32 interpolation or 16 interpolation and 256?
dc42 has said the stepper specs say interpolation only works with 1/16th.
I haven't looked into tmc2660 but have skimmed the datasheet for tmc2100 and there are a lot of combinations. Maybe only a limited number of modes are coded into the firmware for spi comms with the drivers?