Smart effector and thermocouple
Is using a thermocouple wired thru the smart effector do-able? Or even advisable?
Cory -
@clytle374 Not specific to smart effector, but see:
Ideally the wiring should run from the thermocouple all the way back to the interface board, with no breaks or joins, as this may introduce resistance and alter the reading. However, you can get thermocouple extension wire (matched to the type of thermocouple you are using). Connecting it usually means using a screw terminal, as they can be very difficult to solder.
I didn't know if there was anything on the board to interfere with it.
@clytle374 I don't think interference is the issue. If you're talking about connecting a thermocouple as you would a thermistor or PT100, ie connecting it to the TEMP pins (P5) under the board, then running the thermocouple wires with the wiring loom, connecting them to INPUT2, I think this will cause problems. You've got the metal of the pin, then the copper of the PCB, then more metal of the pin. The way a thermocouple works, I think it will effect the reading.
If you need a high temperature sensor to use with the Smart Effector that keeps the wiring neat, I'd suggest using a PT100.