Don't IP adress from pronterface for duetwifi
The Duet WiFi has failed to connect to your router. Maybe you didn't enter the password correctly. Go back to step 8.
Thanks dc42
I tried several times my password and always nothing
I tried a less complicated password with protection WPA and still no success
Protection type wifi: WPA2-PSK/TKIP protocol EAPOL V2
canal 11, bandwidth 20 MHz , 802.11n
the IP adress duetwifi is when is connected, my DHCP range to -
Are there any accented characters in the password? There have been reports of problems when the password contains non-ASCII characters.
no, there is one circumflex accent in my password
but i already tried with one password more simple and no success
I do not understand why the duetwifi does not connect to my wifi -
It's not only accented characters, my Duet would not connect until I removed + and = from the Wi-Fi password.
ok thanks Mike
i try with a new pasword -
it works
great thanks Mike and dc42 -
What are really the characters accepted by duetwifi? It's not very clear on the wiki
What is the maximum length of the password?
thanks -
The current firmware uses library code that I didn't write, so I don't know exactly which characters are allowed; but I can't see why characters like + and = shouldn't work because the code appears to decode them correctly. Maximum password length is currently 63 characters.
This issue will be resolved in the new WiFi firmware that I have started writing, assuming that the bug doesn't lie in the ESP8266 SDK code.
ok thanks dc42
the forum is a great tool for everyone