Duet3 0.6 Issues
@CaLviNx said in Duet3 0.6 Issues:
[warn] Bad header checksum (expected 0x0000, got 0xec9a)
try updating the duet (over usb) with bossac from the Pi?
@bearer said in Duet3 - firmware update with RPi:
ref update via usb https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Getting_Started_With_Duet_3#Section_Updating_Duet_3_main_board_firmware
(or if you have the Duet connected to the pi via USB just run
wget https://pastebin.com/raw/Wa1kYf3G -O - | tr -d "\r" | bash
)(edit: the wget line will take care of getting bossac compiled and send the firmware from the reprapfirmwre package that resides in /opt/dsf/sd/sys/ )
if dcs still not happy ref https://forum.duet3d.com/post/149055 and down? (Haven't finished the writeup of a cleaner case study so its a bit all over the place for a couple of posts).
Thanks for the input, I was reading about that, I (mistakenly) expected the new update package codes to complete successfully.
Evidently it's not foolproof yet.
I will play with it more tomorrow I had to walk away in disgust at it tonight.
@CaLviNx said in Duet3 0.6 Issues:
Thanks for the input, I was reading about that, I (mistakenly) expected the new update package codes to complete successfully.
would have been interesting which version it tried to update from; think its just as shortcomming of apt that cannot enforce the incremental updates needed.
but if there are no further changes to spi protocols or the IAP files then it shouldn't repeat itself.
in any case from the other reports you may want to give 3.1.0 a pass for a week or two.
This 0.6 board is as it arrived from Duet3d. I had never even applied power to it until today.
As it stands its a paperweight in its current state so I will try a bossa update, I have already had the Rpi install the required bossa files to allow me to flash via the Rpi.
I will report back after I attempt this tomorrow.
Thanks again.
An update of the firmware via Bossa cured the firmware issue, i now have a stable connection.
As a side note is there a list anywhere of what the output error codes mean ?
Now the fun of getting motion begins, thank you for your assistance.
I see i qouted the wrong line, I meant to
[warn] Deprecated firmware detected, please update it in order to use DSF
however maybe that should be an [error] and not a warning I guess.
chrishamm did update the errors relating to the spi connection following the other thread i linked to so it will be quite verbose if there is a connectivity issue between the pi and the duet (alhtough a faulty Pi can still make things "interesting")
This post is deleted! -
seems the Pi isn't detecting the Duet connected via USB; it would show up as /dev/ttyACM0 under normal circumstances.
you could run
to see what devices the Pi does find, but odds are its a usb connectivity issue. -
@Flex3D adding a new problem to a topic tagged solved is probably not the best approach, nor is adding your own problem to someone elses topic (you don't get notifications unless tagged explicitly, but everyone else does). Best make your own topic.
yeah, that happens
sorry, i was in the wrong topic thread searching for the command wget.