Printer printing with z probe now, but I think config is a little hack
After getting some assistance prior (thanks everyone!) I finally got my probe working as a type 4 inductive probe (type 5 didn't work with G30 for some reason, but did work with Z homing). It doesn't do bed compensation - the heights are definitely off. But it seems to print on the bed perfectly well right now.
Because I think this thing is a hacky setup I wanted to know if there was a better way to set this up.
Full configs are shown here:
I setup the probe with this:
M558 P4 I1 Z1 H4 R2 F180
G31 T4 P100 X-51 Y30 Z1.65
M557 X10:170 Y10:110 S20Noting that I don't actually use the M557 because I am just using homing on Z.
When it homes, it does:
G1 Z-200 S1 ; move up to 240mm in the -Z direction, stopping if the homing switch is triggered
G1 Z4 F600 ; move slowly 4mm in the +Z direction
G1 Z-10 S1 ; move slowly 10mm in the -Z direction, stopping at the homing switchG90
;G30 ; lower head, stop when probe triggered and set Z to trigger height
G92 Z1.84
(Should that use G30?)
In simplify3d, I tell it the bed is -0.18 relative to 0. (Global GCode offset, on gcode tab).
When S3d starts the print I have it do:
G28 ; home all axes
G29 S2 ;; clear any compensationG91
G1 E-5 F180
G90G1 Z30 F4800
G1 X0 Y0 F4800G91
G1 E20 F180
G90I would rather not have to tell s3d that my bed is lower than 0.
But with all these settings, it all appears to work pretty well. I would just like to have the most sane setup I can.
Any help is appreciated.
Wow you got S3D to work! I still can't. But then I still have issues just getting Repetier to work.
You are using a microswitch for Z homing. If you increase the Z parameter in your G92 command by 0.18mm, this should get rid of the bed height offset.
You can use the Z probe to do Z homing if you prefer, by using G30 instead of G1 S1/G92. See