Mesh compensation and tool changer
Today I have strange issue with mesh compensation, yesterday probing before printing worked well, and this morning I had this when I'd prob my bed before printing, and probing finish with this this message:Warning: the height map has a substantial Z offset. Suggest use Z-probe to establish Z=0 datum, then re-probe the mesh. 16 points probed, min error -0.465, max error -0.102, mean -0.279, deviation 0.103 Height map saved to file 0:/sys/heightmap.csv But if I using mesh compensation manually on the dashborad all is ok:
I had investigated but no find the reason of this issue. I using RRF3.1.1, and maybe that is linked with other strange issue I have where my printer arm try to catch my tool0 at old place at first execution of it and catch at right place at second execution of the script. I had posted some days ago about this issue her
Her some files can help you to help me and my start script in Simplify3D, thx!
start script:M291 P"Homing all axis" R"Printing.." S1 T2 G21 ; metric values G28 ; home all ;G29 S2 ; mark if you want to disable mesh grid ;G32 S1 ; Run mesh grid compensation G29 S0 ; Purge extruder M83 ; Set relative extrusion mode G92 E0 F100 ; reset extruder G1 Z10 F3000 ; move z up little to prevent scratching of surface M98 P/macros/Filament/Purge ; Run nozzle purge macro ;G1 E-1 F2000 ; Retract 1mm filament G92 E0 ; reset extruder M291 P"Printing started !" R"Printing.." S1 T3 bed.g
tpre0.g -
I juste find some thing, I can have this issue with manual mod, I explain me. When start my printer and home all and execute mesh compensation all is good, but after if I execute my macro like tpost0.g and try again to start mesh compensation I have same issue than when I start printing and probing before printing.
The problem is locate in tpost0.g but I dont know where.; tpost0.g ; called after firmware thinks Tool0 is selected ; Note: tool offsets are applied at this point! M116 P0 ; Wait for set temperatures to be reached ; Note that commands preempted with G53 will NOT apply the tool offset. M98 P"/macros/ToolChanger/tool_unlock.g" ; Unlock the tool G53 G0 X132 Y0 F7000 ; Rapid to the approach position without any current tool. G91 M564 S0 ;M302 P0 ; Prevent Cold Extrudes, just in case temp setpoints are at 0 ;G1 E10 F100 ; Purge the Nozzle ;G4 S1 ; Slight Delay ;G1 E-1.0 F2000 ; Perform a retract to remove filament pressure. G91 ; Set Relative Movements G1 Z3 ; Pop the Z up slightly to avoid scraping carriage limit switch on pull-back for early layers. ; Also clear any dangling debris on purge towers. G90 ; Restore Absolute Movements G53 G1 Y-80 F6000 G53 G1 Y-80.5 F6000 M98 P"/macros/ToolChanger/tool_lock.g" ; Lock the tool M98 P"/macros/ToolChanger/tool_lock.g" ; Lock the tool M98 P"/macros/ToolChanger/tool_lock.g" ; Lock the tool G53 G1 Y0 F6000 ; Retract the entire tool and wipe Backwards. ;G53 G1 Y336 F10000 ; Wipe Forwards. ;G53 G1 Y296 F10000 ; Wipe Backwards. ;G53 G1 Y336 F10000 ; Wipe Forwards. ;G53 G1 Y296 F10000 ; Wipe Backwards. ;M564 S1 ;G1 R2 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Restore prior position now accounting for new tool offset ;G1 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Restore prior position now accounting for new tool offset M106 R2 ; restore print cooling fan speed -
I had do new step in identification of issue. When I manually execute this sequence I haven't problem mesh compensation work well:
1 - power on print
2 - Home all
3 - tpost0.g(macro)
4 - Mesh compensationBut when I execute manually this sequence I have issue
1 - power on print
2 - Home all
3 - tpost0.g(macro)
4 - Home all
5 - Mesh compensationIssue is locate at second Home all juste after my arm catch tool0.
I have fond where is issue but dont understand what it appear now.
When I worked to my tpost0.g at begin of configuration of my tool changer I needed to add M564 S0 for allow my printer arm to catch tool0 outside of limits of my bed to make some thing more clean I had added M564 S1 to activate again limits, after that when I tried to printing one problem is appear where my DC42 IR prob dont allow me to printing correctly because the offset not be able to going more dow the the IR prob zone detection, in this case I had removed M564 S1 at end of my tpost0.g and all worked find.
Now to resolve my issue I had added again M564 S1 at end of my tpost0.g, but I had also added M564 S0 at end of homeall.g and now it's work like a charm. But what the problem coming today I dont know