Fan header amp rating
As the subject line states, how many amps can the board handle at the switched fans? I want to control a small 12V .9A water pump with it and don't want to over draw it. Thanks!
It say here that the PWM fan outputs are rated at 1.5A max current draw. Not sure about the always on fans but I'd guess they would be similar (2 amps rings bell somewhere). So I'd say that 0.9A would be fine.
Thanks. I looked through that but missed the clearly stated facts.
Easily done - there is a lot of information buried in there and sometimes what you are looking for is not always obvious. Glad I could help.
If your water pump is a brushed DC motor, put a flyback diode on it. Even if it's ok for the amp rating, you can still blow the mosfet. I know this from experience. (RIP fan 0, I hardly knew ye)