Moving past minimum endstop, intentional or not?
Not really sure where this post should go but to preface, my machine is working perfectly fine. But, if (even after i home x) i use the manual xyz web controls to move X past the minimum endstop it'll let me do that even if the switch is hit and the led on the board indicating it is hit is on. However if i use the manual controls to try to past the x maxima it won't let me. Is this intentional or have i missed something in the config? My minima and maxima are setup correctly to encapsulate my build platform and like i said, homing and operation works perfectly.
In your M208 (S1) what is X min set to and in your homeX file, do you by any chance have a G92 Xnnn value?
M208 is set to X-15 as the endstop is 15 mm of the left of buildplate. The following is my homex.g file,
; homex.g ; called to home the X axis ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool on Sat May 13 2017 17:23:38 GMT+0100 (BST) ; Lift Z relative to current position G91 G1 Z5 F6000 G90 ; Move quickly to X axis endstop and stop there (first pass) G1 X-300 F1800 S1 ; Go back a few mm G91 G1 X5 F6000 G90 ; Move slowly to X axis endstop once more (second pass) G1 X-300 F360 S1 ; Lower Z again G91 G1 Z-5 F6000 G90
If you have run M208 S1 X-15 then it shouldn't let you execute a normal move to below X=-15 after homing. Run M208 with no parameters to verify that the lower X limit really is -15.
I think (but I'm not sure) that what you need to do is put G92 X-15 in your home.g and set the bed min to 0.
Edit DC got there before me - ignore what I said and listen to DC as he is far more knowledgeable than I.
This is the M208 output,
M208 Axis limits - X: -15.0 min, 220.0 max, Y: 0.0 min, 212.0 max, Z: 0.0 min, 250.0 max
In that case, after homing it shouldn't let you go below X=-15 unless there is a S1 or S2 modifier on the G1 command. Which firmware are you running, and what architecture machine is it?
I'm just moving using the +1 and -1 move commands on the web gui
Apologies and to amend my earlier info/question, after homing I can not move outside the bounds at all, that's fine. But I expected that before homing, if I moved and hit an end stop it would then stop me from moving any further in that direction?
Apologies and to amend my earlier info/question, after homing I can not move outside the bounds at all, that's fine. But I expected that before homing, if I moved and hit an end stop it would then stop me from moving any further in that direction?
ER, no. AFAIK it only looks to see if an endstop has been triggered when it's homing. After that, endstops are ignored and movement is limited by the axes minima and maxima. It has to be that way because some people have deployable probes (endstops). Also, during commissioning you might not have fully working endstops but still need to set some other parameters. You could have secondary end stops and wire these up to trigger an emergency stop at any time, but it's a whole lot easier to get into the habit of doing a "homeall" whenever you fire up the printer(IMO).