Node mcu with duet 0.8.5
i have a duet 0.8.5 and a spare node mcu …so i thought ill put the two together and get some wifi going
i know this can be done because since the duet wifi runs on esp8266mod .,582444,723411,page=3
& that post is from 2015
the code would have evolved
so im planning to flash the node with DuetWebControl firmware then run connections into the boardim pretty sure it wont work
Important! Each version of DuetWebControl usually only works correctly with the version of RepRapFirmware that was current at the time of its release. Therefore, if you need to update both RepRapFirmware and DuetWebControl, update RepRapFirmware first.
so what are my options
anyone know of a firmware compatible with 0.8.5 ..?