Duet3 DHCP requests
Standalone, Firmware 3.1.1
I've just tested it with the 3.2beta build and it appears to be make DHCP requests about once a minute. In the ACK message, lease time is 5 minutes, renewal time is 2min30, and rebinding time is 4min22.
Wireshark trace : https://drive.google.com/file/d/14wpdZrhdXyypNCySfv-yMIlwIjubMdb6/view?usp=sharing
IMO this is way too often.
Looking at your trace, you have two devices making DHCP requests. The one that it not the Duet has MAC address b8:69:f4:98:bc:9d and is sending malformed DHCP discover requests. The requests are malformed because the value HOMENET in the User Class field is missing the byte count at the start. My guess is that these malformed requests, or the RST requests that the same node is sending, or the DHCP server's response to them is triggering the Duet into repeating its DHCP request.
Please remove the bad node from your network and see what happens.
OK. I have found the source of malformed packets - it was actually bug in "Detect internet" feature in mikrotik routerOS. But that did not change much. Also I set port mirroring, so wireshark should get only communication from port occupied by duet board.
b8:69:f4:98:bc:9d - that is router's MAC address
could you include a session that start with a DISCOVERY and includes a OFFER just to rule out any potential issues with the leas time being different there than the ACK?
I think I have found the reason for DHCP requests being sent too often. I will include a fix in the forthcoming 3.2beta1 firmware. Thank you for reporting this.
Good to know. Just in case, there is a full wireshark trace from duet startup with all DHCP communication.
If you wish, you can try the RRF 3.2beta preview build at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3azy1njy3ayjsbp/AACquxr2m00eV568RZg5QG5wa?dl=0.
For sure DHCP behaves nicely now
As I do not have commercial printing now I will print some toys