How to ping Z-probe state
What command can I send from the console to check the current Z-probe state?
Thanks. Can you help me with the correct syntax for the following conditional statement? I'm trying to increase the power to a light when the probe makes contact with the bed.;check state of zprobe and if 1 increase power to light
if zprobe = 1
M106 P2 S255 ;increase power of light to full power -
i dont see the probe status in the object model
if sensors.endstops[3].triggered M106 P2 S255 ;increase power of light to full power Just change the "3" to the correct end-stop number for your z-probe. This likely won't work with the BLTouch because it is only triggered briefly, but for an inductive sensor or the likes, it would work.
@NexxCat When I run what you have suggested I receive the following error. Do you know what I may be overlooking?
Error: in file macro line 1 column 4: meta command: array index out of bounds
@code7 What Z-Probe are you using?
I'm using a conductive Z-probe that triggers when the nozzle makes contact with the bed.
Does it show as an end stop in DWC under "Machine Specific"? There's a readout of the end stops on the right hand side, labelled beginning 0.EDIT: Disregard the above. Z-Probes are elsewhere in the object model it seems. I'm not 100% sure as I'm not at my printer right now, but maybe try looking at sensors.zprobes[0].valueThat's a guess based on looking at the code.EDIT 2: Try this:
if sensors.probes[0].value[0] > 1 M106 P2 S255 ;increase power of light to full power -
@NexxCat Thanks. I'll test it out. This is my first attempt using meta commands.
If I wanted to trigger another event when the probe is not triggered would I just swap the direction of the carrot ">" to "<" ?
Also, can you give me an idea of how I can implement the "else" syntax or another syntax in another macro to stop this routine?
@code7 You could try something similar to this, which is also a bit neater
if sensors.probes[0].value[0] != 0 ; Z-Probe triggered else ; Z-Probe not triggered ; Non conditional gcode continues here This would be the reverse, checking for the probe not being triggered:
if sensors.probes[0].value[0] == 0 ; Z-Probe not triggered else ; Z-Probe triggered ; Non conditional gcode continues here -
@code7 said in How to ping Z-probe state:
What command can I send from the console to check the current Z-probe state?
You mean the triggered/not triggered status?
22/09/2020, 12:11:06 echo sensors.probes[0].value[0]>=sensors.probes[0].threshold false -
@code7 You can use daemon.g for that, but I have no experience with using it. Check this thread:
@dc42 Do you see any issues with me using daemon.g to continually check the state of the probe only during print moves? I currently have a macro that runs when the filament is retracted and ends when the filament is un-retracted. I need a way to turn down a power supply within 1 second of the probe losing contact with the conductive metal print.
@code7 said in How to ping Z-probe state:
@dc42 Do you see any issues with me using daemon.g to continually check the state of the probe only during print moves? I currently have a macro that runs when the filament is retracted and ends when the filament is un-retracted. I need a way to turn down a power supply within 1 second of the probe losing contact with the conductive metal print.
You can do that using a loop in daemon.g, however I suggest you include a G4 delay in that loop of perhaps 500ms, to prevent it using too much CPU time.
@dc42 OK. I'll give it a try.
In regards to running real-time loops in daemon.g, would it be possible to use a loop in daemon.g to call for a variable that can reduce the feedrate mid-print to 1% while a long single line segment is being printed? Ideally I would be able to pause mid deposition, but I know the current command needs to complete before a pause can be invoked.