Duet Web Control Webcam Surveillance (Fixed)
I had an issue where my TOP 201 Network Webcam utilized the following URI to display a "snapshot" of what it was looking at:
But the image would not display when setting a "Webcam Update Interval" of anything greater than "0". I found that the TOP 201 does not like adding an additional "&" sign to the URI, which is what the interface.js script was doing.
I modified the following code in interface.js from:[[language]] var newURL = settings.webcamURL; if (newURL.indexOf("?") == -1) { newURL += "?dummy=" + Math.random(); } else { newURL += "&dummy=" + Math.random(); } $("#img_webcam").attr("src", newURL); ```to:
var newURL = settings.webcamURL;
if (newURL.indexOf("?") != -1) {
newURL += "?dummy=" + Math.random();
} else {
newURL += "&dummy=" + Math.random();
$("#img_webcam").attr("src", newURL);The change is in the if statement replacing the "==" to a "!=". Hope this helps someone else with this issue.
where is this interface.js file - how do I find it .. that needs to be edited?
where is this interface.js file - how do I find it .. that needs to be edited?
Download the project, edit the file then build with the build.sh script and upload to your DuetWifi. -
where is this interface.js file - how do I find it .. that needs to be edited?
Download the project, edit the file then build with the build.sh script and upload to your DuetWifi.Thanks Jackal! I only have the Duet .85, so I wasn't sure how to update that file for the Duet WIFI.
When you run the build.sh, it will generate 2 files
.zip one is for Duet 0.8.5 and .bin is for Duet Wifi
The update instruction is here: https://duet3d.com/wiki/Updating_Duet_Web_Control -
Sorry, I am having this same issue. Could you please help point me in the right area for figuring out how to "build"? I would love to get this camera to work. I made the change in the bin file you said to make and saved it, but I don't know how to run the build.sh file to compile it. Then I would assume I upload to dwc. Sorry, I am new and am almost at my witts end with this little camera.
Can you tell me what camera you are using and what exactly is happening? DWC 1.15 and newer provides a few work-arounds for IP cameras that don't support extra HTTP keys and you could embed the whole IP camera website as well by enabling the appropriate option on the settings page.
I still don't see how the provided JS code resolves problems though - it's actually a bad idea to add a second '?' char to the HTTP link.
I am using the ELP IP1881 camera, which as far as I know is identical to the TOP 201. I can't get a stream to the DWC. Last night I did find that I could get the still to update with the http qualifier turned off, but it is super poor quality and choppy as it will not let me update faster than 1 time per second. Do you have any ideas? Also, I would love it if you could point me in a direction to learn how to compile the files to make a new bin. I know cpp basics but not to the extent of paths and compiling multiple files to make a .bin. I guess it doesn't really apply to this camera issue anymore though.
In short, I would like to see if we can make this little IP camera work as well as my old tablet does with DWC. It updated very fast and seemed more like a stream.