Can't find Duet 2 Meistro firmware for v2.05.1
I'm running v2.03RC3(2019-05-2565) firmware on my M3D Promega and want to upgrade to latest v2.xx (which I believe is 2.05.1) and cannot find the release for download. Firmware releases listed on seem to indicate just the new v3 series is available. V3 requires a lot of config changes which I do not have the time to do, at present. Can someone point me to a download link for this? I also need the compatible web I/F. Thanks.
Thanks for the link. Another thought, is there a way with the configurator to set up the config for v3.1.1 by importing the v2 config tree as defined for the Promega (more expanded directory structure)?
The Promega uses the Duet2 Maestro board. -
no, the promega uses a special way of setting up the config.
you will have to convert it manually. -
OK, thanks again. I'll stick to upgrading to 2.05.1 for now.