DUET3 hardware revision difference
what's the difference between rev 0.6 , 1.0 and now 1.01 boards ?
thanks -
there isn't an official change log like the wiki for the duet2, but you can examine the details on github https://github.com/Duet3D/Duet3-Mainboard-6HC
ok i found 2 changes between 1 and 1.01 .maybe there's more , thats what i found going over the schematics for 10mins .
changes are:- diodes added between stepper drivers and output mosfets for faster turn-off times . maybe output mosfets also changed for higher current ones , dont know . the mosfet p/n is not in the schematic .
- buffer IC added for RPI communication .maybe to use longer cables , or simply more reliable comm , dont know .
@hackinistrator said in DUET3 hardware revision difference:
diodes added between stepper drivers and output mosfets for faster turn-off times . maybe output mosfets also changed for higher current ones , dont know . the mosfet p/n is not in the schematic .
Adding the diodes allowed us to increase the mosfet gate series resistors in order to reduce EMI radiated from unshielded stepper motor cables.
buffer IC added for RPI communication .maybe to use longer cables , or simply more reliable comm , dont know .
We added the buffer IC to improve reliability and robustness when the Duet and Pi are powered from separate 5V supplies (which is what we recommend when using the Pi 4).
We also changed the 5V regulator circuitry and added a 3A PTC fuse in series with the external 5V output.
thanks for clarifying . so with those changes , from the software side of view 1 and 1.01 are the same .
@hackinistrator said in DUET3 hardware revision difference:
thanks for clarifying . so with those changes , from the software side of view 1 and 1.01 are the same .
Yes. There is an additional difference between 0.6 and 1.0, which is that the thermistor reference resistors are connected to VREFMON instead of VREF. RepRapFirmware detects the board version and handles that difference.