Tool Change Script, Conditional Tool Change
I need some Information about Gcode Conditionals.
for example if i Change the Tool (Dual Extruder, 14mm X-Offset)
i want to drive to an Toolchange Position.
if Tool 1 is selected i need to go to X5
if Tool 2 is selected i need to go to X19 (5+14) otherwise Tool 1 on the Left side is
crashing into the Endstop.
That Gcode has to be in the Toolchange Script within the Slicer.what "if / else" commands are Possible, does a variable exist? "Actual Tool"
Yes there is
Use the object model browser plug-in to view what's availablestate.currentTool You could handle these movements in tpre0.g etc rather than the slicer if you wish
Thank you, that should work,
The Problem with tpre0/1 and tpost0/1
is that everytime i change the tool it‘ll do
The code. I want to switch that on or off...
(Single nozzle don‘t need that, dual nozzle operation does.)I‘m sure the T0 in the config.g file executes
It at the startup. I’ll test that tomorrow.In the start gcode i have t1,t0 a few times for
The nozzles to heat up at the same time.
M104 P0 S230
M104 P1 S230Does only start heating from tool0?!?!!?!
I had to write:
M104 P0 S230
M104 P0 S230
T0(And the same toolchange for the 2 introlines,
To save time) -
T1 P0 would change tools without running any macros -
Oh ok, that’s a nice information!Do you know, is it possible to calculate temperatures?
For example if tool0 temp is > than 200 degree
Set actual tool0 temperature -20 degree -
Yes, you can monitor most things.
I'm not sure if you mean lower the temp by 20 degrees, or set it to minus 20 degrees.
if you only have one tool heater for both tools (like on a chimera hot end) then just use something like this (note M104 is deprecated, so I used G10)if heat.heaters[1].current > 200 G10 P1 R140 S180 ;set standby to 140 and active temperature to 180 for tool 1 You mention start Gcode. I presume you mean in the slicer.
Most slicers won't allow indenting, so to heat up both heaters you have to do something like you have done.G10 P0 R140 S205 ;set standby and active temp on tool 0 G10 P1 R140 S205 ;set standby and active temp on tool 1 T1 P0 ; select tool 1 to start it heating T0 P0 ; select tool 0 (will set tool 1 to standby and heat tool 0) M116 ; wait for heating to finish If you're working in a macro you can do something like this
while iterations < #tools G10 P{iterations} R140 S205 ;set standby and active temp T{iterations} P0; set the tool to active to begin heating but don't run macro M116 ;wait for heating to finish ; this would leave tool 1 selected T-1 P0; set both tools to standby -
Thank you very much for the Help,
i mean Lower the Actual Temperature by 20 degrees (Regardless which Temperature is
setted as long the Temperature is above 200 degrees)
=> i need that to simplify the Wipe Routine within the Toolchange Scripts (tpre tpost)so that the Slicer Toolchange Script has to go...
i tried following Gcode:; tpost0.g ; called after tool 0 has been selected ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.1.4 on Sun Nov 15 2020 19:31:40 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit) ; Wait for set temperatures to be reached if heat.heaters[0].current > 200 if !move.axes[0].homed echo "X-Axis not homed, homing X first" G28 X0 G1 X390 F10000 G1 X380 F5000 G1 X390 F5000 G1 X380 F5000 G1 X390 F5000 G1 X380 F5000 M116 P1 G1 X380 F5000 G1 X390 F5000 G1 X380 F5000 G1 X390 F5000 G1 X380 F5000 else M117 "wait for Temperatures" M116 P0 the Console gets following warning:
Warning: both space and tab characters used to indent blocks by line 8Why?, it seems formatting but each IF is one TAB inside..
The Printer should only Wipe if the Temperature is above 200 degree
and M116 P1 is to wait for Tool 1 to cool down before wipe the excess off
and if needed (to prevent crashing) to home X=> if T0 gets selected the Printer Moves X to the Maxima to wipe T1 Clean while
cooling down.
(and the Same mirrored if T1 gets selected) -
The warning is just what it says.
If you go to the start of each indented line and hit delete you will find one with spaces instead of tabs.On another note, heat.heaters[0] usually refers to the bed heater.
Also you should be careful jut putting a fixed value of 200 degrees and waiting till the temp > 200
What if you need to print at 190?Simply using M116 P0 would achieve your goal in a tool change.
I choose 100 degree (just to be sure the tool is warm) (otherwise the printer knows that it runs just with tool0 single nozzle)
Yes you’re right i need heater 1 and 2
I think i found the problem
RRF doesn’t like
A indented if statement in an if statement...
I turned that into one if statement and it works.I don’t know if it is right here but another problem is the heatup after the standby temperature... when the tool is active again.
It overshoots about 10 degree.
I’ve done the autocal. But it’s still to “aggressive”
It needs to be more “defensive” with small heatups (with 20-30 degree delta) -
You can have as many nested IF statements as you want.
You just can't have both spaces and TABS in your indentation.
Some editors will convert the tab to spaces if you hit enter on an indented line.
That is to say, the new line will look correctly indented, but it has spaces instead of a tab. -
I think it is not correctly formatted here in the post,
I set everything on the left and
Indented the second if with tab and the commands within one tab further....But i still get this warning.
No space is in the indention.
My Toolchange script now Cools down
the Old tool before Selecting the New One (tpre, tpost)the tpost code:
if heat.heaters[1].current > 100 && move.axes[0].homed = true G1 X-5 F15000 while heat.heaters[1].current <= heat.heaters[1].active G1 X-13 F1000 G4 S2 G1 X-5 if heat.heaters[1].current >= heat.heaters[1].active break G1 X-13 F1000 G4 S2 G1 X-5 G1 X-13 G4 S2 G1 X-5 G1 X-13 G4 S2 G1 X-5 G1 X-13 G4 S2 G1 X-5 G1 X-13 G4 S2 G1 X-5 M116 G1 X-13 G4 S2 G1 X-5 is there a Variable that equals to M116 => i want to wipe till the new tool is ready,
but i found no boolean in the object browser for it.on the Paneldue i sometimes get the Message
M4 command is not supported in machine mode FFF.But i have no M4 Command in it?!