Setting up mesh bed compensation
I'm in the process of building & setting up a new printer. I have a new Duet Ethernet board (was previously running a 0.8.5 board).
Firmware: 1.19beta11 (2017-07-25)
Web: 1.17+2Trying to set up mesh compensation using the info at
"Checking the trigger height", step 8, fails.
When I send G30 S-1
It raises the head, hits the X0 endstop causing the x stepper to briefly skip then moves to the right, zeros the Y axis, does a probe, slams the carriage against the X stop again (stepper skipping several seconds this time), moves to another XY position, … (lost track here).
The web interface says it ends up at X0,Y0 (it's not) and Z35 (looks about right).
I ended up adding a hard X stop just at the point the endstop triggers to keep if from ripping the switch off.
The board recognizes the endstop, homing X by itself works fine.
Any ideas?
Did you read the firmware upgrade notes, in particular the bit about deleting the deployprobe.g and retractprobe.g files if you are using a non-deployed Z probe?
No, I guess I missed that part.
Though I did comment out all the commands in those files before hand because I wan't using them
How did you comment them out?