Hall-E Endstop configuration
Hi there,
I´m going to use some of these for a new project:
When connected to 3V3&GND the SIGNAL is LOW/0-Volt when the magnet is away and rises realtively fast up to ca. 3,1-3,2V when the magnet is near enough (of course always with the magnet in the right orientation)Now my actual question:
in the reprapconfigurator there are 4 options how to setup an endstop:- name_stop
- name_stop (active-low)
- name_stop (pull-up)
- name_stop (active-low, pull-up)
Since I assume that the 2 options with pull-up are for sensors with only +&- with no signal, that leaves me to active-low and I assume the first one is then active-high? If that is the case it would be the first one without anything in the brackets, right?
Best regards
It may help to pick the first one and then look at the resulting gcode it produces for M574 which will also depend on the firmware version you've chosen to use.
In RRF3 is a bit more logical.
M574 S1 Y1 P"ystop"
M574 S1 Y1 P"!ystop"
M574 S1 Y1 P"^ystop"
M574 S1 Y1 P"^!ystop"That matches the ordering of your list.
The ! inverts the signal from high to low.
The ^ enables the internal pull-up resistor.