Duet 3 6HC rev. 1.0 - Resistor R191
Hello there
can someone please tell me what kind of "resistor?" "R191" on Board rev. 1.0 is?
I read in the documentation that it has 47ohm and in know it has the letters "IR0J" on top from another identical board. But i couldn't find this kind of reistor online.
My R191 resistor is burned and i want to resolder it.Thank you!
sry for my bad english ^^
R191 on MB6HC was a 0R resistor. But it's unlikely to burn out unless the TMC5160 driver chip and the mosfet that it is connected to have also burned out.
@dc42 thanks for your answer
But this image is from 0.6 schematic, my board is based on 1.0 schematic.
In 1.0 schematic R191 seems to be a 47ohm resitor.
Looking online for smd resistors, turned out to be very difficult with basic knowledge.
(there are a crazy different amount of resistors online with 47ohm)Does R191 have some special requirements on volts, amps?
(sry I really have no idea what kind of attributes or format they have ^^)Could have been my bad... maybe i moved the XY gantry too much and too fast, which is connected over a "pulley-coreXY" system (FcoreXY) to 0.9 Motors. I forgot to disconnect the motors from the Board and the back EMF together with switching the printer on right after moving the gantry by hand could have been too much.
Thank you
@weaiko it's nothing special, just a 0R or 47R resistor in 0402 package.
I suggest you check the mosfet it is connected to for a short between gate and source or drain.
@dc42 oh no! Big mistake..
It isn't R191, it is L8! ..it should be be the same part as L2 or L10.Am I right this is a inductor with 1kohm @ 100mhz?
Do you have any idea where i can get a "spare inductor" or if there are other relevant attributes? To find something similar turned out to be nearly impossible.Thank you!
It's a ferrite bead with impedance 1K @ 100MHz. But I can't see any way that it would burn out, short of a bare 24V wire or something like that touching it.