Smart effector sensor : trigger led, parasite ? random questions
Yeah first topic,
#1 I was wondering if there's a led that indicates at any time when the smart effector is triggered?
If yes, is this led trigger all the time, I mean even while printing?
#2 is there anything to avoid that could eventually parasite the sensor? On the bed, or else.
Hi all,
@CaLviNx Be nice..and super thanks for link, I understand the smart-effector to be a very new product and I have not seen much else out there like this. If all my customers read all links available for product, I would be out of a job, by the way. Often for new people like me there is so much information that it is super easy to be confused in lingo and all possible configurations.. hence wonderful to be able to go to a great forum like this and ask to get pointers in right direction, but also to get in touch with friendly community.
I warn you in advance Calvinx, I will have many "stupid" questions for you, heh
There is a green LED on the effector that lights up when the sensor is triggered. It's not unusual to see it light up during printing, especially during travel moves. There is also an amber LED that shows you when the hot end heater is powered. And 3 white LEDs that illuminate the bed whenever the hot end fan is powered.
Nothing is likely to "parasitise" the sensor as you put it, apart from the mechanical damage to the PCB. The traces on the PCB themselves are the strain gauge, there is no separate strain gauge element.
Yeah first topic,
#1 I was wondering if there's a led that indicates at any time when the smart effector is triggered?
If yes, is this led trigger all the time, I mean even while printing?
#2 is there anything to avoid that could eventually parasite the sensor? On the bed, or else.
Really ?
Did you ever think of reading the wiki page dedicated to the effector ?
Oh I red it. My question was more "at any time" meaning on the effector or the duet when your not running a probing command like G30, and the second part was more like "even during a print?"
The wiki is great but can be dense, especially for trivial questions. Your point is right, but at least quote the corresponding part on the wiki
I mainly do my search on the forum not the wiki, bad habits.
Wish there was a like button on this forum