New Setup Troubles
Hi! I'm way out of my depth when dealing with small electronics and firmware, so I'm sure it's a dumb problem I'm having. I've searched the forums and haven't seen anything that solves my specific problem.
I'm trying to connect my New Duet 2 Wifi board to wifi for the first time. I'm at the M587 step, and I input my router name and password, and I don't get any error message, or an "ok".
M552 SO
WiFi module started
WiFi module is idle
M587 S"Swarm 2.4" P"swarmeffect"Above is exactly what I'm seeing, pasted from the terminal emulator.
SO I don't know if I'm doing something wrong. Any help would be wonderful. Been at this for a couple hours googling and trying different things, but can't seem to solve it. -
@fcwilt Yeah, Plugged directly into my Mac.
@themonet Looks like you used M552 SO, with an upper case 'o' not '0' ie zero.
See this thread about someone having issues with SerialTools:
SerialTools is a bit finicky about input; you have to get the command right, without pressing delete or cursor keys. I think it sends each character to the Duet as you type them, rather than when you press return. If you navigate away from SerialTools to another application, and then back, in the middle of writing the command, it won't work. You should get an 'ok' when a command goes through correctly.
Also, make sure you're using straight quotes, eg " rather than curly quotes, eg ”