1.19 version update questions
Currently, I'm running
Firmware Version:1.18.1 (2017-04-09)
WiFi Server Version:1.03 (ch fork)
Web Interface Version:1.15aand I want to update my DuetWifi to 1.19 but I have some questions first.
1)Is there a way to see and access my folder structures ( /www /sys /macros ) from my SD card trough Duet Web interface?
- If I use the web interface (Settings->General->Upload File(s) ) to upload the DuetWebControl-1.19.zip, DuetWiFiFirmware-1.19.bin and DuetWiFiServer-1.19.bin files they will go automatically in their folders as it should? ( DuetWebControl-1.19.zip to /www and DuetWiFiFirmware-1.19.bin DuetWiFiServer-1.19.bin to /sys ?)
Yes they should go to the correct places, although you will have to rename DuetWebControl-1.19.zip to e.g. DWC.zip otherwise your existing version of the web interface will refuse to upload it. The complication is that you may have old web files in /www depending on when your Duet was supplied, and it's best to remove them if so.
You're perfectly right. I have it. In two places. The second adress where my /www folder exist is the ,,SD-image-samples" folder. Should I erase it also from this folder?
Thanks! -
The copy in the samples folder will do no harm, but it is out of date so you may as well delete it.