Dual Z Stop and BL Touch Mesh
Good day plastic melter
i have assembled a Hevo RS with a build space of 300x300x350
with Nema 17 (17HS4401) motors on the axles, a Bondtech LGX with Dragon Hotend, optical limit switches, a BL Touch v3.1(Original)
and the whole system should run on a Duet 2 Ethernet v1.04cwhat I have managed so far as an inexperienced in the self-build printer area with my Hevo RS is the following
adjust the rotation directions of the axes with these commands G91 G1 h2 y10 F3000 and g1 h2 x10 F3000 as with m564 H0 and then the direction switches
check the end switches (by manual trigger and m119)unfortunately not much yet
now to my further plan I would like that my z axis (2 motors slot drive2 with jumper and drive3) aligns itself over two single limit switches
and then before the print start make a bed mesh with the BL Touchhow to do this with the dual z and the entry of the limit switches I have already figured out
only unfortunately I'm not sure how I have to approach the adjustments of the Home Configs so that the whole thing then works like thiswould be happy about help from you
attached are my current configurations and the m122 output
config (1).g homeall (1).g homex.g homey.g homez (1).g M122_ausgaben.txt
Your config,g looks ok for the endstop and probe config.
Your homeall looks ok for doing the endstop to z min homing which should use both endstops and level the bed to them.
To add the probe into the mix you would need to position the probe at the center of the bed with a G1 XY move and then use a G30 to actually probe the bed to establish where the bed surface is. Then you can use G29 to create a mesh of the bed surface.
It may be easiest to create a macro called mesh.g in the sys folder. This would get called when G29 is sent. In this macro you would have
G28 ; home all axis with endstops G1 X150 Y150 Z10 F6000 ; move probe to center G30 ; probe the center of bed G29 S0 ; start a mesh probing routine
Ensure your probe offsets are correct first.
To complete this setup, you need to determine if you want to do a mesh probing once and load it before the print, or do a fresh mesh before each print. If your bed is stable and you want to load the saved mesh, in your slicer start gcode you would need a G28 and a G30 at the center of the bed followed by G29 S1. If you wanted to do a fresh mesh each time, you would only need G29 which would run the mesh.g macro to home and create a mesh.
I'm there evtul already come what further I could now already the touch calibriren have also already aligned the bed manual but unfortunately I get the same error over and over again (Error: G30: Insufficient axes homed for bed probing) the changes and adjustments I have made I have found in these instructions https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Test_and_calibrate_the_Z_probe and https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/BLTouch_Troubleshooting and thus results in this new config.g
oh yes the homing macro does not work yet either
Post your current homing macros if they have changed.
@palgon said in Dual Z Stop and BL Touch Mesh:
I get the same error over and over again (Error: G30: Insufficient axes homed for bed probing)
What exactly are you doing to evoke that error?
@phaedrux i get the error when i use the homing mesh macro posted above or when i enter the commands g30 and g29 s0 in the console manually
When you do a home all in DWC, do all of the axis report as homed afterwards?