How to get Simplify3D's jog controls to respect endstops?
Why are you using the S3D control panel?
Why are you using the S3D control panel?
FrederickWhy wouldn't I / what else would I use short of using straight Gcode commands?
FYI: I'm on RADDS, and no PanelDue: I only use host software like S3D or Octoprint to control it in such ways. -
You can use the M208 command to set minimum and maximum positions for each axis. However, you need to home the printer before those limits can be enforced.
You can use the M208 command to set minimum and maximum positions for each axis. However, you need to home the printer before those limits can be enforced.
Thanks David : The issue is, as you said, I'd have to auto-home the machine every time I turn it on… which while doable, is a bit annoying :S
How about a g1.g file where we can override the behavior?
Why wouldn't I / what else would I use short of using straight Gcode commands?
FYI: I'm on RADDS, and no PanelDue: I only use host software like S3D or Octoprint to control it in such ways.Hi,
What is RADDS?
What is RADDS?
Stepper driver board for Arduino based printers :
Don't know how this is linked to Duet … -
He is using the RRF Firmware on a due/Radds combination so is valid here.
He is using the RRF Firmware on a due/Radds combination so is valid here.
So he doesn't have access to the web server that a DuetWiFi board provides?
"…have access to the web server that a DuetWiFi board provides?"
To my knowledge I do not, which is why I use S3D/Octoprint for everything. If anyone has got the webserver working with RADDS, I'd be glad to hear itBut since there's no wifi\ethernet on the RADDS board, just micro-usb… (which I plug into my PC for S3D control, or plug into my RaspberryPi for Octoprint control).
History: I had a spare Due board laying around, and I figured the bar to entry was pretty low to just buy the RADDS 'hat' to stick on it. I used Repetier at first with that combo, but RRF seemed so great (and it has been) I switched to it a while back: Back then the duetwifi\ethernet weren't out: only the original board. I'd definitely get a duet ethernet now, if I wanted to spend more money
Anyway, I'm happy with what I have, it just seems the firmware doesn't play too well with other gocde senders that don't respect/know about the S1 parameter for G1 moves. I thought others that were in my predicament may have solved this. I'm probably an outlier though based on my hardware config, so if there is no solution that's fine.
BTW, I actually had set a M208 in my config.g : And yep (once I home), if I jog into a negative zone, it totally does exactly what it's supposed to. So really, the only problem is when I first power on the machine and start jogging around before I've homed. I'll just log that in the memory-bank from now on as something I need to do. Thanks David.
On delta and SCARA printers, the only moves allowed before homing are G1 S1 moves (homing moves) and G1 S2 moves (special moves). I have it in mind to extend this restriction to other printer geometries in the next firmware version.