1XD Resurrection
I accidently fried the 5V regulator on an 1XD node. The hw is very difficult to probe but Im pretty sure its the regulator. Blue LED only with VIN, no other LED or CAN activity. I have a new XD on order, but as a temporary fix Im attempting to bypass the onboard regulator. I pulled the XD out of the machine and powered the '5V' directly via a 5v power supply and the 5v LED came on, I then plugged it back into the 6HC and we have green LED activity and red LED sync blink.
On the surface the XD looks fully functional but I cant measure current draw. The circuit doesn't appear to leak or run hot. Should this be ok until I receive the replacement?
FYI, I fried the XD by accidently putting a logic analyzer accross the 5V and Step pin. For some reason I assumed the logic analyzer was a differential feed, but is actually signal to ground. Doh...
Well that was short lived. There must have been some leakage as the bad board slowly pulled down the 5V of the good board. The Good board doesn't appear to be adversely affected...