Basic Starter Problems
Does Caribou have any guides or documentation? You've got some custom macros from them. I'm sure they work, but I don't have them to look at or understand the intent like they would.
@phaedrux the intend of using macros appears to be, to be able to easily switch between different sheet/nozzle combos. There is documentation and the system itself does not seem overly complicated, but the explanations didn't realy help me so far, leaving me with more questions than i started with. Maybe I should just ask for some examples and skip trying to understand the instructions. That's usually easier anyway.
Yes, there is a documentation, however at my level of knowledge it is not too helpful in regard to the macros.
@suntoxx thats the save baby steps macro
if state.status != "processing" ; printer is not currently printing! if move.axes[2].babystep !=0 ; if no babysteps are currently adjusted - exit routine M291 R{"z-Trigger Height"} P{"Current: " ^ sensors.probes[0].triggerHeight ^ ", Babysteps:" ^ move.axes[2].babystep ^ ", New: " ^ sensors.probes[0].triggerHeight - move.axes[2].babystep} S2 M291 P{"Press OK to continue or CANCEL to abort."} R{"Setting z-probe offset to " ^ sensors.probes[0].triggerHeight - move.axes[2].babystep ^ "?"} S3 M400 ; finish all current moves / clear the buffer G31 Z{sensors.probes[0].triggerHeight - move.axes[2].babystep} ; set G31 Z offset to corrected M500 P10:31 ; save settings to config-overide.g - G31 P31 saves trigger height M290 R0 S0 ; set babystep to 0mm absolute G28 else M291 P"Babysteps are 0.000. z-trigger height will not be changed." S1 else M291 S2 P"z-Trigger height cannot be changed during an ongoing print. Please run this macro when the print is finished, and the bed is clear and ready!" R"WARNING!" ;
@suntoxx Quote:
This macro displays the current z-trigger, babysteps, and the difference between
; the new numbers which represents the new trigger height.
; It clears the current baby-stepping and then rehomes the machine to make the new
; z-offset effective.
; If this is for a specific nozzle / sheet combination it is recommended to save the
; value like G31 0.234, where 0.234 repesents the display number into the nozzle / sheet
; config files under 0:/macros/02-Print_Surface_Handling or 0:/macros/02-Nozzle_Handling
; (depending on what z-probe you are using). Whenever this combination chnages execute
; the corresponding macros for the combination.; If this is for a specific filament type, recommend placing this yielded information in
; the filament's config.g -
; Ensure M501 exists in 0:/sys/config.g !!!
; -
@suntoxx said in Basic Starter Problems:
Ok that helps to see the macro. It should work as advertised. Have you tried to run it and follow the prompts?
@suntoxx the question there is, how do i perceive this "save babysteps"? Is that a permanent thing or would i manually enter the value elsewhere if i do not use the macros yet and how would i do it via a macro? But I assume I should take those question to the Caribou group, as this way of handling it appears to be a caribou specific approach as i know now.
@phaedrux no, i have not used the m500 command or the macro yet, as i would like to understand everything first.
@suntoxx for example, how is the relationship between the saved babystep and a z value in a sheet or nozzle macro. And would i use nozzle or surface handling macros, and why.
Well in this case the use of the term "babysteps" is a little different than it would normally be used in reprap firmware.
Typically, baby steps would be used at the start of a print to make a fine adjustment to the nozzle position and it wouldn't be carried over.
This macro takes the concept of baby stepping, but has you use a different mechanism to apply it. Then using the value to modify the permanent probe offset. It's a clever way to do it.
It's using conditional gcode
@phaedrux so m500 turns the baby steps into a permanent condition and the main value for Z is stored in the config.override instead of config.g that people use normally? Is there an obvious reason to not saving it in config.g? Would manually chaning the value break the macro? Or most likely just to make clear that it's not meant to be changed manually?
you can't directly edit config.g with a command. Config-override exists to save those sorts of values and it does that by writing out all the values that it can save to a new file each time.
So it's taking the babystep amount and using that number in the G31 Z probe offset to make it permanent because G31 gets saved to config-override.