Trouble downgrading 3.3 back to 2.2
I'm running
- DWC version 3.3.0
- RipRapFW version 3.3
- Wifi version 1.26
I want to downgrade to RR v2.2 to resolve some issues I'm having with overheating and fan cooling controls.
I wipe the SD card and install the FW I want.
I connect via USB and hit M997 S0 to install it and I get the error:File 0:/firmware/DuetWiFiServer.bin not found Which is because v2.2 doesn't have this file structure. So I looks like I might need to reset the Duet. I'm running a Duet 2 wifi, no reset button, but I see where the jumper is.
Anyone got any last words of advice for me before I brick this thing?
Words of advice?
Don't do it until you explain the problems you are having.
I have 5 printers all running 3.3 and am having no problems with overheating or fans.
Do you mean v3.2.2 as I don't think v2 firmware got past v2.05_1?
File 0:/firmware/DuetWiFiServer.bin not found
Have you tried manually placing that file where it expects it?
Have you tried uploading the full zip file for the version you want to switch to?