RRF Configuration Tool - Homing Files
(Hopefully this is in the correct Category. Sorry if not)
I've just finished building my machine and use a Duet3 MB6HC controller board to run it.
I used the RRF tool to produce the configuration files - which I appreciate are really just a starting point - but I was wondering why the homex.g and homey.g files use two passes when homing, but the homez.g only uses one?
Additionally, homex.g and homey.g move the Z axis up 5mm before the homing process starts, and drops it back down 5mm at the end.
These settings are replicated in the homeall.g file.
Is this because the Duet3 was originally designed for 3D printers?
@nightowl999 Most printers use a Z Probe, you can set it to do it twice in the M558.
For example I have this on my 6HC: M558 P9 C"^121.io0.in" H5 F3000:120 T6000 ; bltouch
With the two speeds in F, the first z home runs at 3000, then a second one at 120.
Thank you, @stephen6309
I wasn't referring to the Z Probe though, just the homing files.
Using a XYZ probe is on my to do list, though!
undefined Phaedrux moved this topic from Firmware installation
@nightowl999 said in RRF Configuration Tool - Homing Files:
Is this because the Duet3 was originally designed for 3D printers?
Well, yes, basically.