Controlling Filament Dryer with DHT22
I have created a filament dryer heater that I need to run 24/7. I also would like to drive this heater off of humidity but from reading on here it doesn't look like I can do that. I currently don't use a heated bed as I let the heated chamber heat the bed up. So I have mapped the extra heater with M140 and using the temperature from the DHT22. Does anyone know of a better way to control this? Is it possible to control it by humidity? Thank you
undefined Phaedrux moved this topic from General Discussion
You can do quite a bit with conditional gcode and the object model.
Have you seen this guide?
@owend I sure have, it is a nice guide that tells you how to connect a DHT22 sensor.
I was assuming you were not getting the humidity readings from the sensor.
If you have the sensor set up to display the humidity then you can use daemon.g to control the heater.
I'd imaging you'd need to set up several global variables in config.g including one to ensure you can turn the heater on/offglobal ChamberHeaterOn = false global lowHumidity = 25 global midHumidity = 50 global highHumidity = 75
Then in daemon.g use something like this (change the sensor value)
if global.ChamberHeaterOn = false M140 S-273.1 ; switch off heater elif sensors.analog[2].lastReading <= global lowHumidity M140 S40 elif sensors.analog[2].lastReading <= global midHumidity M140 S60 elif sensors.analog[2].lastReading <= global highHumidity M140 S80 else ; whatever you want to do if over the high value
And set up a couple of buttons to set the global to true or false to offer manual control when needed