First time cura and my problem
@dc42 Yes, 2 lines ;G32 and ;G1 X175 Y175 F18000 it was dir testingโฆ In my start code
@dc42 i check that. without semikolon ist the same issue
@jamaicarasta You have an error in your start gcode:
It appears the error in the line that sets the hotend temperat.ure. The mperature] is missing the part of the line. -
@stephen6309 but it works in superslicer perfect.
It is different in Cura? -
@jamaicarasta You'll have to check the documetation, Cura may use different variable names.
Make sure it was copied fully.
@stephen6309 I will check that, thanks
@dc42 I solved the problem. Deleted the M190 and M109 in the start code
First temp bed and layer.
@jamaicarasta I use this SuperSlicer start gcode, thought it would help.
T-1 ; deselect tool, tool to standby temp M1000 Q"[filament_type]" ;custom M gcode to set G31 Z offset for filament_type G10 P0 S[first_layer_temperature] R140 M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] M98 P"/macros/EnableHoming" G32 ; bed calibration G29 ; bed mesh M98 P"/macros/DisableHoming" T0 ; select T0 and go to active temp M116 ; wait for temp G1 E6 ; extrude a bit
/sys/M1000.g, sets the G31 Z offset and retraction:
; M1000 Q"[filament_type]" echo "Set G31 Z offset for ",param.Q if param.Q == "PETG" M98 P"/sys/PETGOffset.g" elif param.Q == "PLA" M98 P"/sys/PLAOffset.g" elif param.Q == "TPU" M98 P"/sys/TPUOffset.g"
@stephen6309 thanks, i solved the problem. Deleted the M190 and M109 in the start code
First temp bed and layer.
@stephen6309 and my first print with cura was better than superslicer
I will try it tomorrow with a few prints.
greetings from germany