Automatic Z offset
I was admiring the Voron 2.4 way of doing Bed and gantry levelling using a Z probe, and then also adjusting Z nozzle offset using a seperate Z Switch, to see if Nozzle distance has been changed. this way bed height and nozzle depth is checked and compensated for.
I found a RRF version posted here, but its quite elaborate. for a sampled method if one exists
I use Euclid probe for ABL and Gantry levelling, I dont have a voron but my machine is very similar. -
@adamfilip Found this, havent tried it yet, might be promising Z offset
@adamfilip I'm building my new Voron 2.4 R2 right now, and what I have is Duet 3 6hc and 1LC board, and will try to see if these 2 files working. will try to post updates here.
@adamfilip did you try networking with Nurgelrot ?