RRF3 webUI keeps popping Printing message
Hi, I have RRF3.4.1 on duet2 wifi. I'm using firefox v103. When I start to print there is an endless flood of "Printing..." message. On paneldue there is a single message I can close. Not on the webui. I made a video of it but this forum is not allowing google drive links to be posted. Imagine a popup message on the bottom every half a second for the duration of printing.
@daninet first, please check that both RRF and DWC are at version 3.4.1. You can check this on the Settings->General and Settings->Machine Specific tabs of DWC.
If you are getting one message per layer, check whether your slicer has inserted a M117 command in the generated GCode file at each layer change.
@dc42 thank you, you were right, i had an old dwc version
@daninet thanks, I'll mark this as solved then.
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