Issues with Duet 5 mini+ sdcard problems ..
Ratrig v core 3 issues. I ordered a rat rig vcore 3 with duet mini 5+. 1 yr ago
I never got to build it until now. I am having issues with the board not sure it is defective. I am using reprap v 3.4.1 latest. I was successfully able to print with it only 2 times.
The red led light on duet mini is blinking 3 times every time I turn it on. Once I home, then turn on the hotend I am no longer able to connect to the web interface.
The 1st time I saw this error, I was getting errors about the web interface having SD card issues for ex. A folder wasn't available or all my print files disappeared. I then tried switching to using 3 different SD cards and still seeing the same issue.
At one time I thought the wifi wasn't working. It appears that my troubles start when I turn on the hotend. Shortly after that I am unable to connect to printer.
I am using bl touch and all the sensors and end stops and motion system appear to work ok.
When I lose connectivity then turn off printer, I am usually able to connect to printer. I am only using web interface to connect to printer.
The message I posted above is what I sent to ratrig tech support and they asked me to repost here, for authorization: I found an issue that seemed eerily familiar to what I am seeing at this link also:
Please advise.
Yes I think your board is having a hard time reading the SD card.
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