Parameters of Delta Auto-Calibration
I am using an Anycubic Predator with an selfmade printhead for my master thesis and want to run the delta auto-calibration.
Can someone please tell me where the parameters "tower position" and tilt angle" are located in the printer?
Does tower position calibrate the radial distance of two of the towers? Tilt angle could be the angle between these two towers and the centerline but i m not sure with that.Thanks ffor your help.
Have you seen this yet?
Yes, but I could not find information about tower position and tilt angle.
I need to know if tower position is an radial coordinate. And which axis of rotation is meant when using the parameter tilt angle?
This post is deleted! -
- The radial position of the towers is implied by the delta radius
- The tower angle correction values allow for the towers not being spaced at exactly 120 degree intervals on the circle that they define
- The X and Y tilt parameters allow for the bed not being exactly perpendicular to the towers. It is assumed the the towers are parallel.
HTH David
Okay, I understand.
Thanks for your help.