Laser wiring on the DUEX5 (sorry to ask again)
hey all -
I have used the search function as well as extensive googling, but reading far too many conflicting replies and don't want to mess this up.
I checked the duet wiki and while its partially helpful. it explains about additional circuitry needed without the DUEX, then explains the circuitry is built into the DUEX but then doesn't explain how to connect it...
I have a duet2 WIFI with he DUEX 5 expansion, from what I understand the DUEX5 has the additional circuitry to connect a laser to directly, but I want to ask where is the best place to connect and how?
I assume i need to step down with a buck convertor for the 24 to 12v but how do i best go about the physical connection to the board?
@Craigrobbo As it says in
You can use one of the 5V PWM pins on the DueX.
It should probably say
This assumes that your laser is capable of being controlled by a 5V PWM signal; can it? What laser/controller is it?
See the wiring diagram here for the PWM connections:
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