Trouble compiling RepRapFirmware 3.4.5
@mohamedel81 hello, you need to include DuetWiFiSocketServer as well, not necessary to compile it, only one of the .h files inside is required.
@JoergS5 Thanks,
I forgot to mention it in the previous comment, but i include DuetWiFiSocketServer :
@mohamedel81 then maybe the problem I had with compiling 3.5beta, WifiSockerServer has a newer beta version which may be necessary.
MessageFormats.h had changes in the -dev version.
@mohamedel81 I think you need to update your copies of RRFLibraries and DuetWiFiSocketServer to the latest versions on the 3.4-dev branch.
I want to compile RepRapFirmware 3.4.5, which version do i need to use for:CANlib
DuetWiFiSocketServer (dev)
@dc42 it works know
Thanks for your support