Automated Backup Script for SBC-Mode Printers
Hi all,
I created a little program that will do automated backups to a cloud service (or a local PC on LAN) through rclone and a cronjob on the connected RPI. It is on github, here. It is my first repo of anything halfway interesting so let me know what you think, and if it has helped you out!
Garth -
The tool checks very frequently for new data.
Is it critical to backup while a PID tune is running? That's probably a situation I can imagine to mess up the data base. (inexperienced users might hit reset during PID tuning, because they think it took too long...)
Same to FW update. Do we know which FW version the backup files belong to? -
@o_lampe thanks for the thoughts. Why would cancelling during a PID tune affect the database? Does it create a temp file?
Yes, the user would need to make sure that they are using the correct FW version with a config if they use an older one.
I think that the major use cases are to make sure that if you make too many changes, or aren't sure why you are getting a specific behavior from the config after a change, you have backups and can find one that is working, as well as backup the most recent version of the config such that if you loose that data from a bad SD card/etc. it isn't gone forever.
It makes sense to reduce the backup check frequency as if a user is testing changes, then it doesn't sync many copies of those files.