Printer quit mid print - now unresponsive
Hi, I recently made a 3D bioprinter with the Duet 2 WiFi board, which has been quite successful so far. Printed multiple things with no issues. I set it up last week for a pretty long print (~10hrs, has worked before) and it started just fine. Came back an hour later to check on it and it had halted. Lights were all still on, BUT no wifi signal. Restarted the machine, unplugged and replugged everything, still no wifi (or DWC).
Currently the DIAG light is on and constant. I believe it should be turning off when firmware is loaded. So I connected to USB on my Mac, and I can see the machine on Serial Tools, which means there must be SOME connection happening. I tried sending M115 (check firmware) from Serial Tools, but got nothing back. I'm not getting any response in Serial Tools with any commands. Not sure what to do next since I'm getting no response from the board at all. Any ideas??
@chrishamm this worked! Thank you so much!