pullups on e?_stop pins
Hi, the tutorial for setting up triggers using the e?_stop pins etc. states that pullups should be set, but the docs say
"RRF 3.x - Pull up resistors on Duet 2/DueX5 inputs should be configured for connecting a digital input (like a switch, BLtouch, etc) only on inputs not labelled "n"Stop (xstop, ystop etc)."
Does this include the E2,3,4,5,6_stop pins?? when used for simple trigger switches? Thanks -
@glenmo said in pullups on e?_stop pins:
Hi, the tutorial for setting up triggers using the e?_stop pins etc. states that pullups should be set, but the docs say
"RRF 3.x - Pull up resistors on Duet 2/DueX5 inputs should be configured for connecting a digital input (like a switch, BLtouch, etc) only on inputs not labelled "n"Stop (xstop, ystop etc)."
Does this include the E2,3,4,5,6_stop pins?? when used for simple trigger switches? ThanksIf you connect endstop switches directly to the pins on the expansion bus, you should enable the pullup resistors because there are no pullup resistors connected to those signals and no protection resistors. If you connect them to endstop inputs on the Duet or the DueX then you should not enable them, because doing so will reduce the noise margin because of the series protection resistor.