3.5.0 beta 3 minimum PWM frequency
I upgraded my Duet 3 6HC from 3.5.0 beta 2 to beta 3 and found out that my bed heater turned on permamently.
I have configured the bed heater output to 1Hz PWM and up until now it worked flawlessly. The output controls a 230V solid state relay that switches on zero-crossings of the 50Hz mains supply, therefore I want a slow enough PWM frequency to have reasonable resolution of bed heater power.I tested 2Hz and the problem remains, at 3Hz the output seems to be working again as intended.
Therefore, as a workaround, 3Hz is ok, but my effective PWM resolution is really bad.
Fortunately, at 60°C bed temperature, its still acurate enough to have the bed temperature rock solid at 60.0°C even without fluctuations to 60.1 or 59.9. Might get worse at lower temperatures.I guess it is a result of the changed PWM resolution in beta 3
("[Duet 3 MB6HC] [Duet 3 MB6XD] [Duet 2] [Duet Maestro] PWM resolution when using outputs connected to the PWM peripheral is increased")
Is it possible to have an option to enable/disable the higher PWM precision, or automatically use reduced resolution PWM, when requested PWM is too low?At least, for safety, I would advise to disable the output and give an error if a too low frequency is requested. I protected my bed with a thermal switch and a thermal fuse, but it might not be on every printer.
My configuration of the heater:
In sys config.gM308 S0 P"temp0" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4583 C1.022833e-7 M950 H0 C"out0" T0 Q1 M307 H0 B0 S1.00 M140 H0 M143 H0 S130 Override with the tuning at 60°C for the filament I tested with, in filaments config.g
M307 H0 R0.15 K0.161:0.000 D9.31 E1.35 S1.00 B0
@PascalM thanks for reporting this. I'll try to fix it in 3.5beta4.
@PascalM please can you test to see if this issue is resolved with the pre release here:
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/in0t2j68ic66oa8/AADv_6WzRy07H6MhBOrkDt23a?dl=0 -
@T3P3Tony I testet with the pre release. It is working at 1Hz again.
@PascalM thanks for confirming.