Not getting reply from Duet to YAT
i am getting problem with connection between Duet2 Wifi to YAT, when i am sending a command to duet there is no response also i am unable to status of Duet. i did all the process before and i got the control for my 3d printer, after when it ask the password i couldn't able to connect because i don't know the password which i uploaded the G-Codes and configuration files from other person so i did reset and erased the previous data by pressing the buttons in duet board, now i am getting this problem. kindly let me know where is the problem coming from?
@Prabhu-K most likely you have erased the firmware. To check see
You will probably need to flash new firmware. See
To recover your password, put the SD card from the Duet in your PC, open the sys/config.g file, and your password is in the M551 command.