Is this Ringing or something else
I am finally dialing in my CoreXY and have an issue. I have had ringing on my Anet A8 before, but this looks different to me. It is printing really well but has this consistent pattern inside and out. I don't know if it's the printer or the slicing. I'll post more info if needed, but figured the visual might be enough.
That does not appear to be ringing, which would show as vertical lines, and only on sharp corners.
This looks like some kind of inconsistency on the Z axis. How is the Z axis controlled? A single threaded rod? Multiple threaded rods? Belts?
Is your bed temperature stable?
@Threepwood Kinematic setup with 3 linear rails and 3 threaded rods. Basically a modified V-Core. Just installed a new tooling plate bed from ratrig with a Keenovo 1000w heater, set at 65, stays about 62-64 degrees on surface.
@cdsmith12 Has the problem started since you put the new bed on?
This video from CNC Kitchen might be of interest to you
Have you PID tuned since you changed anything?
Definitely seems like thermal cycling. That or one of your Z axis rods is bent.
I did run PID on the extruder and the bed after reassembly a couple days ago. I have linear rails on all axis, used an alignment tool and put a screw in every hole on the rails. Can rails bend too, that's one of the reasons I got rid of rods because I had a bent one.
@cdsmith12 When you are printing, what are the highest and lowest values you see for temperature? I've managed to get my PID tune to keep the bed on my Voron between 104.9°C and 105.1°C.
In the video from CNC Kitchen, Stephan says his bed was fluctuating by less than 1°C either way, and that was enough to cause the banding.
In the same video from 4:43 he describes how to check if the banding is caused by a Z issue or temperature issue. I would recommend trying his method.
I don't think the linear rails are likely to be bent. They sometimes have a gentle bend, but once they are secured to a flat extrusion, they should be very flat. You wouldn't get the patern you are seeing from a bent rail.
Do you know what frequency you have the PID for the bed set to? I'm also using an SSR for bed switching, so I've set it to 10hz, which seems to be fast enough, but shouldn't cause undue stress on the SSR. You may want to check the datasheet for your SSR to check the recommended maximum switching frequency.
@Threepwood Thanks for the replies, heading out, but I will check what you suggested tomorrow. I did watch the video and at least I know what it is called now.