Multiple Expansion Boards of Same Type
I was looking at the "RepRapFirmware" and "Duet3Expansion" and realized there is a board address for each type of expansion board and I see that the RepRapFirmware uses that address as the index of the "boards" array in the ExpansionManager when an expansion board announces itself.This made a question in my mind: "Can multiple expansion boards of the same type be connected to the RepRapFirmware? if so, how would the two expansion boards be differentiated? or would the RepRapFirmware only consider the last expansion board which has announced itself?"
(I did see that expansion boards send their uniqueId in the announcement, but I couldn't find where the unique Id is used to differentiate two boards in the RepRapFirmware)
@Mohammad You can change the CAN-FD address using M952
If you have multiple boards of the same type (doe for instance multiple 1LC toolboards), you can add them one at a time to the CANBUS, change the address from the default and then add the next board. Take a look at:
@gloomyandy Got it. Thank you for the help