Heater 1 and Fan1 Stopped Working
3.222 across pin 1 and 2 on Con_LCD connector on Duet Wifi
MCU at 41.1C now using external thermometer
Send M912 with no parameters, to check that no CPU temperature calibration is being applied. AFAIR, before calibration the MCU temperature on the ATSAM4E on the generation 2 Duets should be within 14C of the correct value.
The voltage reading on the 3.3V rail looks too low, it should be with 2% of 3.3V. Assuming your multimeter is accurate, I suspect either too much load on the 3.3V rail (in which case the 3.3V regulator IC U2 will be getting hot), or the 5V rail is at less than 4V.
4:07:21 PMM912
MCU temperature calibration adjustment is 0.0°CAcross jumpers for int_5v and V_Fan.. 4.88V
Voltage at board input from PS is 24.29V
U2 Regulator measures 38C with the Temperature guns Laser centred on it.
Still cant understand why when I have no thermistor plugged into the H0 Heatbed pins … it reports 25.4C on the display??? Where could it possibly be getting this from.... I would expect a heater fault error and a 20000 display....
5:15:22 PMM105
T:26.2 /0.0 27.0 /0.0 26.2 /0.0 27.0 /0.0 B:25.0 /0.0 -
This doesn't work either…
M307 H4 A90 C700 D10 I0 V0 S1.0 ; remapped to heat bed From Duex5 E4 temp sensor
M305 P0 X4 T100000 B4388 R4700 H30 L0 ; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the bed thermistor ADC correction -
Unfortunately it sounds as though the ADC in the microcontroller may be blown.
Ouch!! Oh well, I shall have to get another board, at least I learnt a bit more along the way
do you have stock?
Order placed… and for the new IR probe.
Thanks for all the help David,
If you are in the USA, forum user W3DRK may be able to replace the MPU for you.
Hi Dave,
Just checked my original order and it was in September… so I guess it is still under warranty! I am in South Africa, so what do I need to do to claim? I have ordered another in the meantime.... but it would be good to have a spare...
Order Details
Order ID: #414
Date Added: 15/09/2016 Payment Method: PayPalProduct Name Model Quantity Price Total
Duet Wifi- PreOrderBatch: Batch5
- Addon Hardware: PT100 daughterboard
- Addon Hardware: PanelDue with 4.3&qu.. DuetWifi 1
If it was delivered in September 2016 not 2017 then it is out of warranty.
Do you know anyone local to you who can replace the processor? If your soldering skills are good enough you could try it yourself. Use ChipQuik or similar low melting point solder and a cheap vacuum pick up tool to remove the old one. There are videos on YouTube.
Btw the more recent Duet versions have improved protection for the ADC.
Oh gosh you are right
sorry late night !! I have dome some SMD repairs before so I will take a look when I remove it. Dot think I have done so many legs before though (older Atmel stuff mostly)
The tricky part is removing the old chip without lifting the PCB traces. You need either a good desoldering hot air gun with an appropriately sized nozzle and a vacuum pickup tool, or ChipQuik or similar low melting point solder (and preferably the vacuum pickup tool too). If you succeed without damaging the PCB, soldering the new chip in place is relatively easy if you have a no-clean flux pen, also some solder wick to help remove the inevitable solder bridges.
Thanks Dave I will give it a whirl after I have my new one fitted
Dave can you point me in the direction of a source for the SAM chip?
Dave can you point me in the direction of a source for the SAM chip?
Not without knowing which country you are in. Here in the UK, Farnell, RS, Mouser and Digikey all sell it.
Thanks In in South Africa, we have RS locally so will try them. I see there are a few variants does this one look suitable?