duetBackup Error listing files!!
Hi and thanks for posting in the forum.
First up - the installation of the python dependencies is a function of the Duet Plugin Service. So the fact that it objected suggests there is some form of error and that could be related to permissions which in turn could account for the inability to resolve a file list (in general, often permission related).Please include a logfile (DuetBackup) with -verbose set and, as well your overall environment (SBC OS and version, Duet versions etc).
If you stop the plugin, run this command in an OS console then attempt to restart the plugin, you will see progress / errors:
env SYSTEMD_LESS=RXMK /usr/bin/journalctl -f -
Have you solved the issue (if so how) or is this still a problem? -
@stuartofmt Sorry it took me so long to replay, Hear is the log file:log.txt
@guywinslow Sorry, thought this was the post i did on same problem
I've been meaning to add a log file to this plugin for some time.
The logfile is sys/duetBackup/duetBackup.log (i.e. same dir as the config file).Other than the log file - I put in some code to report permissions. Can you please run this version (remove the .txt extension) of the plugin and use a config file like below (and then post duetBackup.log
-userName <your info> -userToken <your info> -rep <your info> -dir sd/sys -dir sd/macros -days 0 -hours 0 -ignore *.log -verbose
plugin.zip] -
@stuartofmt said in duetBackup Error listing files!!:
no log file created
Error Message Box:
Failed to start plugin
An error occurred trying to start process '/opt/dsf/plugins/duetBackup/dsf/duetBackup.py' with working directory '/opt/dsf/plugins/duetBackup/dsf'. Exec format error -
Very strange indeed ...What version of Duet Software version are you using ? If it's 3.5.x try this. The plugin manager invokes plugins slightly differently than 3.6. The previous version was ambiguous ..
What SBC hardware ?
What OS version ?At a console - what is the result of this command?
ls -l /opt/dsf/plugins
Can you try uninstall and then reinstall but before you reinstall run the following (just tails the plugin service logs) from the console to get any installation errors.
env SYSTEMD_LESS=RXMK /usr/bin/journalctl -u duetpluginservice -f
@stuartofmt said in duetBackup Error listing files!!:
What SBC hardware: Raspberry PI 4
What OS version:
pi@railcore:~ $ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="12 (bookworm)"
ID_LIKE=debianDuet Version: 3 6HC board
Duet Firmware: 3.5.4 -
@guywinslow pi@railcore:~ $ ls -l /opt/dsf/plugins
total 40
drwxrwxr-x 3 dsf dsf 4096 Mar 2 10:49 CANManager
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dsf dsf 707 Mar 2 10:49 CANManager.json
drwxrwxr-x 3 dsf dsf 4096 Mar 4 08:42 duetBackup
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dsf dsf 843 Mar 4 08:42 duetBackup.json
drwxr-xr-x 3 dsf dsf 4096 Dec 4 01:07 DuetPiManagementPlugin
-r--r----- 1 dsf dsf 8737 Nov 25 09:29 DuetPiManagementPlugin.json
drwxrwxr-x 3 dsf dsf 4096 Oct 7 22:43 SpyglassWebcamServer
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dsf dsf 1307 Oct 7 22:43 SpyglassWebcamServer.json -
@guywinslow Ok Interesting. I uninstalled the plug in you had me try and installed the duetBackup-3.5.x.zip file i got from your git hub sight and it appears to be working now. At lest according to the log i ran with this command 'env SYSTEMD_LESS=RXMK /usr/bin/journalctl -u duetpluginservice -f'
Ok - that's good news but a mystery as to why it did not work the first time, as I assume you, effectively, just reinstalled from github.If you had used the version I posted yesterday - there would have been a duetBackup ONLY log created (along with additional debug information) that you could access directly using the DWC UI.
The version that I sent to you yesterday will be the version posted in github soon. I do not use github for "in progress" builds - just for version bumps, once they are tested.
While I have tested on my 3.6 beta build - It would be very helpful if you could validate it against your 3.5 build.
Can you do that for me? I.e. Try the version I posted yesterday.
P.S. The permissions dsf:dsf from the
ls -l
look correct - so there may have been some other issue.