"M569: expected numeric operand" error.
@dc42 @LindsayC I have recreated this issue in SBC and stand alone mode (3.6beta3 test build).
SBC mode:
var addr = move.axes[0].drivers[0]
echo var.addr
attempting to do anything numerical with that variable results in
Error: expected numeric operands
Stand alone:
var addr = move.axes[0].drivers[0]
echo var.addr
attempting to do anything numerical with that variable results in
Error: expected numeric operands
@T3P3Tony that's expected. A driver ID is not a number because it holds both the CAN address and the driver number at that address. However, it should be allowed as the P operand in a M569 command.
@dc42 Thanks I have tested that in Stand alone and SBC mode and confirm it works in standalone mode but not in SBC mode.
Stand alone:
M569 P{var.addr} Drive 0 runs forwards, active high enable, timing 4.0:4.0:1.3:1.3us, mode spreadCycle, ccr 0x08053, toff 3, tblank 1, thigh 200 (46.9 mm/sec), gs=32, iRun=0, iHold=0, current=25.391, hstart/hend/hdec 5/0/0, pos 8
M569 P{var.addr} Error: M569: expected numeric operand
undefined T3P3Tony moved this topic from Gcode meta commands
The OP didn't respond to my request for the firmware version. A change was made to improve this area within the last few months, which is why I asked.
@LindsayC thanks. Please upgrade to either 3.5.4 or 3.6.0-beta.4 and test again.
Upgraded to 3.6.0-rc.1.
And if I run this code:
var ind = 0 var driverAddress = 50.0 while exists (move.axes[{var.ind}].letter) if move.axes[{var.ind}].letter == "'a" set var.driverAddress = move.axes[{var.ind}].drivers[0] set var.ind = var.ind +1; M569.1 P{var.driverAddress} T2 C1000 S200 R150 I50 D0.1 V500 A1 E4.0:2.0 D1;
it fails with "Error: in file macro line 9 column 29: M569: expected numeric operand"
If I echo what the variable is. Ie this code:
var ind = 0 var driverAddress = 50.0 echo var.driverAddress while exists (move.axes[{var.ind}].letter) ;go through all axis in order till I find the correct one. if move.axes[{var.ind}].letter == "'a" set var.driverAddress = move.axes[{var.ind}].drivers[0] set var.ind = var.ind +1; echo var.driverAddress M569.1 P{var.driverAddress} T2 C1000 S200 R150 I50 D0.1 V500 A1 E4.0:2.0 D1;
I get this from the console:
Error: in file macro line 9 column 29: M569: expected numeric operandBut if I run it with just a hard set driverAddress like below.
var ind = 0 var driverAddress = 51.0 echo var.driverAddress M569.1 P{var.driverAddress} T2 C1000 S200 R150 I50 D0.1 V500 A1 E4.0:2.0 D1;
It works fine with no error.
Output from console:
51.0This is all on a duet3 in standalone mode.
Did a bit more digging into what the type is. If you run this code:
var ind = 0 var driverAddress = 50.0 echo var.driverAddress; echo var.driverAddress ^"1"; echo var.driverAddress * 2 while exists (move.axes[{var.ind}].letter) ;go through all axis in order till I find the correct one. if move.axes[{var.ind}].letter == "'a" set var.driverAddress = move.axes[{var.ind}].drivers[0] set var.ind = var.ind +1; echo var.driverAddress echo var.driverAddress ^"1"; echo var.driverAddress *2;
You get:
Error: in file macro line 14 column 26: meta command: expected numeric operandsSo the variable returned from the object model for the driver can address can be treated as a string but not as a float. While the original set address that does work for the P parameter can be treated as both a float and a string.
And finally if you run this code where you just pass a string to the P parameter.
var ind = 0 var driverAddress = "51.0" M569.1 P{var.driverAddress} T2 C1000 S200 R150 I50 D0.1 V500 A1 E4.0:2.0 D1;
You get this error message:
Error: in file macro line 3 column 27: M569: expected driver IDWhich is different to the error message you get if the variable is obtained from the object model.
@LindsayC the reason is that the P parameter of M569 expects a driver ID, which looks like a float but is different. To make it easier to generate the P parameter in a macro, in recent versions of RRF we allow a float with a fractional part that is very close to a multiple of 0.1 to be converted to a driver ID. We can't say that it has to be exactly a multiple of 0.1 because 0.1 cannot be represented exactly as a binary float.
Expressions of any type can be converted to string.