Unable to upload files larger than approx 1.2MB
@bdelia if this issue continues then it may be helpful if you install Wireshark on your PC and get a trace of a failed attempt to upload a larger file.
@dc42 , thanks I will give that a try tonight or tomorrow.
@dc42 , I have been learning wireshark and have done some testing. I am not sure yet how to detect errors associated with network connections, but I know how to isolate the capture between my laptop IP and Duet IP. I now see that any file under about 1.5MB never gets to the POST command. Any file under that threshold uploads fine and I see the POST command.
Any recommendations on what to look for in the capture that might indicate a network issue? I am familiar with HTTP response codes due to my day job, but I am not a network engineer.
@bdelia there should always be a POST command, that's how file uploads are done.
Usually when there are network issues we see network packets with error status. Wireshark usually highlights these in a dark colour.
You probably already know this, but to isolate the traffic to the Duet use filter
(substitute the actual IP address of the Duet). -
@dc42 I have been able to isolate the isolate the traffic to the Duet. I can see lines of info colored Red and Black amongst the green.
I am just not able to interpret the lines for meaningful errors.
@bdelia if you save the trace as a .pcap file and attach it to a post then we can look at it.
@dc42 Thanks. Here is my .pcap file. Wireshark reveals just how much back and forth takes place between my laptop browser and the Duet. I tried to limit the packets capture to just the act of uploading but that was hard. I believe the upload is initiated at the TimeStamp: 738 21.597390
@bdelia Thanks for the Wireshark dump. What I find odd is that your PC keeps aborting connections to the Duet, which shouldn't happen unless you set the number of AJAX retries in DWC -> Machine-Specific to a very high value. If that is the case, the effective timeout of regular requests becomes very low which may lead to complications. In doubt, perhaps delete
from the System Files and reload DWC.If that does not help, I suggest you try a different device (like a smartphone) to upload a bigger file. If that works, try to reset the TCP/IP stack of your Windows machine as outlined here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/how-to-reset-tcp-ip-by-using-the-netshell-utility-d954430c-9b11-43f0-6081-0fc9235a8b4a That might help, too.
What kind of microSD card do you have? From the Wireshark dump I can see that RRF doesn't seem to accept more data within 15+ seconds so that does seem like an I/O issue to me. It might be worth to replace the SD card with a class 10 (possibly even A-rated) microSD card and to check if the problem persists then.
@chrishamm thanks for this info, I can upload large files from another device, but it is my work laptop and I try to not use that for personal use.
I have both deleted the dwc-settings.json as well as reset the TCP/IP stack and the same error happens.
My microSD is a new one and I have tried one other as well.
Try creating a new user profile on your PC and try uploading from that account.
@Phaedrux @chrishamm @dc42
I ended up resetting my laptop OS and am now able to upload large files.I appreciate all of you help and suggestions.
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