ObjectModel update frequency
Hi everyone,
Is it possible to increase the ObjectModel update frequency? If so, how?
I realized the updates occur every 400ms, would be possible to reduce it to 100-200ms?
@CarlosR It should update every 250ms. What RRF version, and what hardware, are you using? Send M122 and post the response.
@CarlosR what value(s) do you want to retrieve more often than every 250ms?
In expressions, the "live" gcode values are used, although some live values are themselves only updated periodically, e.g. machine position and sensor temperatures.
We are looking at adding a facility to make selected variables available more often. This will be a major change, requiring the values to be pushed from RRF to an attached SBC or other device, so it wont be in 3.6.0 stable.
I would like to get a value from a sensor that is connected to the board as often as possible.
I just reduced the ModelUpdateInterval variable in the /opt/dsf/conf/config.json file. I know this is not a good approach in terms of performance, but it's the best option I've found so far.
I also tried playing with the dsf-python project and the SubscribeConnection class, but I think the frequency is the same.
I also tried to dump the sensor values to a file using daemon.g, but writing a file is not efficient either.
Any other ideas I could try?
Ideally I would like to update this specific variable as much as possible (10ms, 20ms, 50ms... , whatever value that is the fastest) and the rest of the ObjectModel update it as default.
@CarlosR what type of sensor is it and how have you configured it in RRF? Is it attached to the main board or to a CAN-connected expansion board?
@dc42 Currently it is connected to an expansion board (Duet 3 Expansion TOOL1LC). Would it make a difference if I connect it to the main board (Duet 3 MB6XD)?
It is an analog sensor that works at 5V. Currently I have it working at 3.3V but planning to incorporate an ADC Daughter Board.
M308 S12 P'70.temp0' Y"linear-analog" A"Sensor1"