Driver 3 not working
I used the default values, but i also tried the defaults on driver 3.
I just changed it to M584 X0 Y1 Z2 E4, whitout the line M569 P4 S1. -
Hmmm. Curiouser and curiouser as they say. One faulty board is very unusual, two with the same fault is a bit like being struck by lightening twice (well maybe not as rare as that but pretty rare). Have you tried extruding filament with just the extruder but no hot end. Just to check if the motor runs, and in the right direction.
Not sure if its the same fault, with the first board the motor was not moving, but now it moves with strange noises. When its idle there is a high pitch noise, but just with E0. The motor is rated with 2A, i also tried lower currents.
With the motor configured to E1 i have already tried to print, and it works so far. But with configured to E0 i just extruded filament, in the video i have filament loaded and disconnect the bowden tube of the hotend side. The moving direction is correct. -
Will it print using E0? It's possible to have a partially-blown driver that will turn the motor when it is not under load, but won't turn the motor when significant load is applied or when the movement is very slow.
I've tried that now, just with a simple cube in vase mode. It prints with E0, but with this strange noise. I've tested to higher the extrusion speed, without a hotend. At about 60mm/s the noise disappears.
If you wish to request another replacement, I will approve it.
We just replaced this a few days ago, same symptoms! I did wrote Roland, please keep us informed.
From the first post in this thread, I thought the symptom last time was that driver 3 didn't work at all?
Thats right, the last symptom was the driver was not working.
This time the driver works, but generating a strange noise on the motor in low speeds.
There is something i forgot about when i postet about the second board:
There was a spot of solder from the production, between C70 and C46, which i removed before i connect something to the board.Here is a photo including the serial sticker on the processor.
To the problem with the blown driver: What can cause this damage? I've checked the wires, the connections and the extruder motor several times and can still not find an issue with these. I did never disconnect a motor, while the board has power.
C70 and C46 are decoupling capacitors, so not related to the driver issue.
A small proportion of driver chips have latent fault that our testing does not pick up. Also, moving the axes or the extruder gear by hand too fast while the motors are connected to the drivers can cause drivers to fail.